We envision a cluster of 10-20 homes comprised of individual private residences as well as a large amount of shared common land where children can play safely away from vehicles. The buildings and layout are designed to encourage community and neighbour interaction. The development would be self managed by the residents, it would be inclusive and it would aim to include a broad spectrum of ages and interact with the local community. The buildings will be designed using sustainable and environmentally aware principles, as well as being energy efficient, economical and ecologically sound.
We aim to build a space for everyone to enjoy, which may include vegetable gardens and chickens on the shared common land. While families and individuals can enjoy their privacy they can also participate freely in many aspects of community life. Common facilities such as a common house would contain a kitchen and dining room, where there can be shared meals on certain nights of the week, and participating residents will help with the preparation, cooking and cleaning up of these meals. Guest rooms, laundry, and other facilities that reduce the footprint of the individual units, for example a garage and workshop may be included.
Check out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cohousing for information on the cohousing concept.
Hmmm, is this for real? Who is the "we" what kind of a timeline, location, price range, ...
There is little detail here it is difficult to guess whether this is a serious project or somebody just had an idea and put it up as a blog.
You found my entry on cohousing at http://ramblingonthisandthat.blogspot.com/2007/09/cohousing.html so if this project ever gets serious, I would be interested.
A good website on a group that got their cohousing project completed is at http://www.mosaic-commons.org/
We are a group of 5 committed families who have been meeting since Aug 2009. The picture on the blog is of some of us at the last open day at Illabunda which is an eco-village development in Western Sydney.
At this stage, we are planning our first open meeting on Saturday 27 February 2010.
We will have more info soon, promise.
Thanks Myung-Jin, that sounds great.
We explored cohousing in 2007, visited over 15 different cohousing places in the USA and even considered moving back to USA to live in a cohousing, but finally decided against it.
We currently live in Artarmon, so we would be very interested in a cohousing in Lane Cove vicinity.
We have visitors on Feb 27th, so we may miss the first meeting but would love to catch up either before or afterwards. My email is yusuf.pisan@gmail
I am also very interested in co-housing in Sydney and have lived in commnities with a cooperative and ecological focus. I am also interested in how soon this may occur.
Hi there,
I am also very interested in this. I am currently living in the Northern Beaches but would be interested in an inner city subburb. I grew up in Coopertive housing in Vancouver, Canada and Co-Housing is also taking off there recently. I would be very interested in attending the next open meeting.
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