We would like to start by thanking the families, who joined us today in our first open meeting. One of the great aspects about the process of creating a community is meeting new people and friends joining our journey, asking questions and sharing some of their insights.
In our talk Gilo presented what cohousing is (a group of people choosing to work together in creating a community), why cohousing [well, because there isn’t any other model that allows a real social interaction, without imposing it), who we are (just people like you and me), our structure (consensus process we are all leaders), and what we have done so far. Jamie explained how we started, and shared with us his experience growing up as a teenager in Cascade Cohousing in Hobart Tasmania. Martin, our MC, skilfully conducted our presentation, and answered the questions.
We were happy to find among our crowd, Mr. Keith McIlroy Lane Cove greens counsellor, who shared with us some of his experience and wisdom, and would like to join our effort in creating\ developing a sustainable cohousing community.
And offcourse as in any cohousing community, we also enjoyed sharing food while getting to know our prospective members better.
If one are interested in joining us at our next open meeting please join us on the first Saturday of April [03-04] for our second open meeting
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