26 Sept 2010

the Introduction to Cohousing & the Australian Context is now availiable


In the contemporary climate of housing affordability, social isolation and environmental concerns, the cohousing model seems to address all these issues and offers a housing alternative. Additionally, the existing literature suggests that residents living in cohousing communities improve their quality of life and well-being. However, the cohousing model is slow to develop as an alternative housing option in Australia. There are many factors contributing to cohousing remaining on the fringe of the culture of housing in Australia. The first aim of this paper is to present the reasons why, to date, only three cohousing communities have been established in Australia. The second aim is to integrate the existing literature on cohousing and incorporate input from leading figures in the cohousing field in Australia. My hope is that this review will become an introductory text for people with interest in the cohousing concept and that it will be used as a stepping stone for their journey into cohousing.

If you want to receive a copy send us an email to
sydneycohousing@gmail.com or 

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